
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Couponing...for real?!?

Yup. For real.

I looked into this a year or so ago and thought, no way. But then my sister-in-law (thanks, Melissa) invited me to her house and I checked out how she was doing it. And it was a really easy way of organizing coupons - just date them, combine multiple copies, and file away. Yes. That is how I can 'clip' coupons. :o)

So, I got four copies of the Sunday paper and I've been filing coupons for a couple weeks. It took me quite a while to figure out how to take the list on Grocery Smarts and find what I needed. I made a grocery list for the next two weeks, but it didn't really match. So I thought, "why don't I just find some things I know I'll use and go shopping for those to see if I want to do this more....."

AND I went on my first shopping trip today! Check out the picture to see what I got for ~$65!

Can you believe it!?! JUST the cans alone would cost $65! OR JUST the non-food items alone would cost $65! And I got it all for $65 and saved about $53!!!!!!!

Needless to say, I'm hooked! And I'm really excited that we now have about a year's supply of toothpaste, bars of soap, and razors for Leon (just from this one trip). Totally cool. (I just have to figure out how to match my list of menu items to the list of sales/coupons better.)

I'll let you know what happens the next time I go. Happy shopping!


  1. You should teach a seminar. Do they have coupons for the organic products?

  2. They DO have them for the organic products - quite a few actually. I think you'd like it. I will schedule a class (I won't teach it). I have had three other people ask for it too.

  3. I make my meal plan around the coupons and sales this lets you take advantage of it better :) I save at least 20+ dollars a week on the grocery bill this way :)

  4. Seriously Sarah - how are you so put together. I wish I did half the things you do when I was your age. I'd be so much further along in life. :)
