
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Home Organization (and Dejunking)

So, we seem to have an issue of not taking of 'stuff' as it comes into the house. Therefore, it tends to get stuck in corners and edges of rooms and stacked on counters and shelves. Which I absolutely hate! Have you seen Labrynth? Do you remember when she is being 'brainwashed' through the dancing dream and ends up in her bedroom. An old lady comes in and starts reminding her of all her 'stuff' that she just loves. When she refuses to forget about her brother and then all the walls start caving in with stuff from a junkyard........long story to describe the feeling I get when we get too much 'stuff' in our house and it doesn't get organized. The stuff just starts caving in on me.

So, I joined a 21 day organization challenge found at this blog:

I have yet to really get on board, but I'm trying! Some of the stuff I've already done and some I desperately need to do. It's Saturday today .... my goal is to get some of this done.

Oh, and I also want to paint my living room a delicious shade of yellow. AND make some furniture from I have no idea when I'll get that done! But here's to a new year and new goals!

1 comment:

  1. I will for sure be checking out that blog. I did clean out the pantry last night and the linen closet the other day. Feeling pretty good about that. If only they both stayed that way.
