
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hmmm - Could this be our Purpose?

As I mentioned before, I've been thinking about my motivation for doing hard things and what my (our) purpose is right now. In other words, what is it that drives me to make a decision one way or another (like getting out of bed in the morning or doing something a little uncomfortable at work)?

After the kids are grown, I'm sure it will change. But for now, I want to raise my kids to want to serve others and share the gospel. It's something that we've talked a lot with our kids about and started finding ways we can act along with that teaching. The kids have shoveled walks, we donate to Sub for Santa at our work places, we've given from our home to families in need, and we help when asked to help at church, school, or in our community.

But, I kind of want to take it to the next level. I want them to know that there is more than just little things that people are in need of. Like homes, clothing, clean water, healthy environment, etc. So, that's what we are going to focus on.

Sidenote: I have this amazing friend. She has even stated that she's a 'gypsy.' Well, I fell in love with her and her outlook on life the first time I heard her talk in sacrament. And subsequently have loved all the new things she is constantly trying out. I still need to 'stretch' in order to fulfill that, but she has really inspired me to look outside of the norm and seek new things.

On that note, at some point I was talking to a co-worker about the possibilities that would be open to us if we didn't have debt of any kind. What could you do if you only had to have $25,000/year to cover your necessities?

Think about it ..... work a job, any job, for nine months out of the year. Make sure you have enough to cover your needs for twelve months. Then what would you do?

Well, I want to teach my kids service by having them live it. So what programs are out there? After Leon and I talked through this in a lot of depth throughout January, I spent 30 minutes or so researching on the internet. And I found two programs that will allow our family to spend 2-12 weeks on a volunteer vacation in other countries. I know there are more out there too. I'm giddy right now over what we could do.

Not that we could drop everything right now and leave next week, but now I have a goal in mind and can layout a two or three year plan. I already knew I wanted to pay off all my debt, but now I know what I can do once that is done. Something that might drive me to get it done faster if I have the chance. Something that will make a difference in my life and my families lives.

What would you do if you only had to have $25,000 for your necessities and then could save up $25,000 for something else each year? Oh, the possibilities!


  1. I was totally researching the same thing myself a few months ago. I found a what seemed like a really great organization although it's probably one of the two you found. I'll try to remember what it was called or find their website for you. I had the chance to do this over winter break one year at college in Mexico (not vacation Mexico- poor Mexico) and loved every second. Would LOVE to do this with my family (or maybe just Russ and I or whatever).

  2. I had no idea that you did this. I have heard of a couple other people that have done it while in school as well. The one that I'm really leaning towards is cross-cultural solutions. I was excited to read that they took kids as young as 8. So, by summer 2012, everyone but Eowyn could go. BUT we can see if they'll give an exception for her to go too. Anyway - right now I'm just dreaming, but it definitely gives me something to work towards and hopefully something we can share as a family.
