
Monday, February 21, 2011

Attitude of Gratitude

Apparently, I need to be more grateful. Why, you ask? Because I have had numerous discussions at work from our principal broker, I've read several books recently that have mentioned it, and on Sunday our entire sacrament meeting was dedicated to it. So apparently, I need to keep hearing it.

Now, don't get me wrong......I love this topic. I have a testimony of how gratitude positively affects our lives. I firmly believe that gratitude helps us constantly focus on the positive aspects of our lives. At the beginning of last year, we started doing Thankful Journals (inspired by President Eyring's journal). We didn't end up doing it every day or even weekly, but I've still been trying to write during sacrament each week.

In fact, at work, we write down 10 things we are grateful for and then 10 goals. The best part about doing this frequently is that I don't feel very thorough if I just write down 'husband' or 'kids' or 'gospel'. I now write things that are very specific like 'a husband who has a job with great benefits' or 'kids who are excited about my success' or 'having a foundation of values that ground me and my family'.

So here are a few things that are always on my list:
  1. I am grateful for the love and support my family gives me.
  2. I am grateful for the excitement my kids show regarding my success in real estate.
  3. I am grateful for my testimony in Jesus Christ that I know I can be forgiven of my sins if I ask for that forgiveness.
  4. I am grateful for a work environment that is positive and wants me to be successful both in real estate and in life.
  5. I am grateful for cars that are working.
  6. I am grateful for a home that keeps me and my family warm this winter.
  7. I am grateful for my current clients.
  8. I am grateful for my leads.
  9. I am grateful for books and CDs that help me to culture an attitude of self-improvement and an appreciation for what I do have.
  10. I am grateful that I understand how gratitude affects me in a positive way every day.

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