
Monday, September 24, 2012

To Live, I Must Think...

The past year has been full of can I be better at work, as a mother, with my health, a wife, spiritually, in becoming whole, etc.  I haven't had a lot of new thoughts from what I previously posted.  Just rehashing.....therefore, I haven't written.  

Lately though, I've felt a pull to do so.  Something that my broker tells us often is that we have to think.  We have to ask a question and ponder it.  I like that except when I don't feel like I've received any particular revelation or insight.  Then, it's just frustrating.

So my goal now, is to declutter.  Get rid of things in my mind, in my life, everything.  I don't need it and it doesn't allow me to progress.  I figure that when this is done, I will be open to receiving what I need to progress.

For now, my thought is.....what do I change in my life to welcome what will make my life better?