
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Time for Me

I like me. I like doing things that make me feel good. I firmly believe that in order for me to fulfill a role as a mother and a wife, I have to take time to take care of me (so that I don't pop a gasket and have my head spin around backwards).

One of those things is books. In fact, when I get on a binge, I will devour upwards of six books in a single week. I don't remember everything in them, but I really enjoy it.

Tonight was book club with some wonderful friends of mine (and my sister-in-law came too!). We read Eat Pray Love and talked about the following concepts:
  • living in the present - because that is where God is
  • taking care of yourself in order to create self-respect
  • soul-mate - is that the right way to describe someone who is the mirror of yourself?
  • God's love for us
  • having a spiritual anchor
  • allowing yourself to make mistakes and then move on - forgive yourself
  • and any tangent that we could squeeze in :)
I love these little oasis' once a month that let me express my thoughts and impressions and hear others. Many times they have changed the way I've felt about a book, and, more times than I can count, they have shared inspiration/impressions that I totally missed. And they introduce me to books that I would never have picked up - which is great.

These ladies are wonderful and I have loved having these getaways for the past two years and hope that we have them for the next ten years.


  1. Ha! Ten more years and we will be like those housewives eating bon bons we read about...we'll have to get shirts! I love that you have such a clear vision of taking time for yourself and I loved that you had pages dog eared to share with us tonight. You are a one of a kind lady!
