
Monday, August 2, 2010

What was I choosing?

I chose....

  • success for my family instead of success in business
  • organizing a house instead of creating efficiencies for a business
  • eternal success instead of momentary success
  • teaching my children instead of training new concepts
...and I wouldn't have it any other way. My journey to this point wasn't easy. My journey from this point won't be easy.

But the choice was has been one of the hardest that I've had to make. And I have found more peace from it than any other choice that I have made. Because of this, I have so much to share. Whether anyone reads this or not, it gives me a place to put the fullness of my heart into something that is concrete.


  1. Yay! Another blogger in the family! Warning - it's addictive. And fulfilling and fun.
    I'm interested to hear what you have to say about working outside the home vs. staying home full-time. It's not something I've experienced and I like finding out how green the grass is or isn't on the other side.

  2. Thanks Stephanie! I'm not very good at following blogs, in fact, I've never really gotten into them. I'll find one and read a bunch of entries, then not look again for a year! But we will see what becomes of this little adventure for me. It is fun to see my thoughts in a little more cohesive form. :)

